Overview of REF2021
How the Research Excellence Framework (REF) will be assessing our research in 2021.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
How the Research Excellence Framework (REF) will be assessing our research in 2021.
Choose the right parking permit, find out how to apply, how to change your details and make a cancellation.
Find out about the types of parking permits available for students, eligibility and how to apply.
What is the role of the UK Parliament in policymaking and what are the routes for policy engagement for academics?
The role of Parliament's Libraries and the Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology and ways to engage.
Introducing bills, how they pass through Parliament, and how to engage with them.
Guidance to help you develop suitable participant information materials for your research project.
If you have overseas fee status or need immigration permission to study in the UK, you may need to attend a passport check session before starting your course.
This Experiential Pathway to Fellowship enables experienced staff to gain HEA Fellowship, in recognition of their teaching, supervision and learning support.
A programme of work-based activities for lecturers at the University of Bath who need to gain recognition in HE teaching, in order to complete probation.