Event dates and timings
The Spring Careers Fair will be delivered on Wednesday 19 March 2025 on campus in The Claverton Rooms, BA2 7AY, 11am to 3pm. This one-day fair is the only Careers fair this semester, and final fair of this academic year. It is for employers that have available opportunities from May 2024 onwards, for graduates - including those studying Masters and Postgraduate courses, 12-month placement students, paid summer work experience or internship, volunteering, or travel opportunities. It is not ringfenced by discipline or theme and will be promoted to all students and years.
To request more details including the Employer Information Sheet, be added to future invite lists, and for prices and a booking form, please contact Victoria Houston, (Careers Fairs Organiser): V.Houston@bath.ac.uk or recruit@bath.ac.uk.
What we offer
Careers Fairs remain a popular method for our students to research and meet employers. The event will be promoted to all years and disciplines internally including social media channels. The information you provide when booking determines your target student groups.
Prices available on request - please email Victoria Houston v.houston@bath.ac.uk
Who to contact
To request a booking form link for your recruit@bath account, please contact Victoria Houston v.houston@bath.ac.uk.
The University of Bath aims to provide accessible venues for events. If you are a representative at a fair and you have any special support needs, please let us know in advance.