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Student Appeals Process

You can lodge an appeal against a University decision by following the Student Appeals Process and access guidance on appealing against an academic decision.

How do I make an appeal?

If you are seeking to appeal against an academic decision, all the information you need can be found here.

If you would like to appeal against a decision taken under one of the following policies:

  • Student Regulation 7 - Disciplinary procedures for students
  • Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Policy
  • The Fitness to Practise Policy
  • The Dignity and Respect Policy - student respondents only
  • The Student Complaints Policy
  • The Student Precautionary Measures Policy

you can do so by submitting an Appeal Form to the Student Appeals inbox.

The appeal process is outlined in the Student Appeals Policy

You can appeal on one or more of the following grounds:

  • that there was procedural error in the conduct of the relevant process which may cause doubt as to the determination reached;

  • that new evidence has been made available which the student could not reasonably have provided during the relevant process;

  • that there was bias during the relevant process which may cause doubt as to the determination reached; or,

  • that the sanction or outcome imposed was disproportionate*.

You must appeal within 10 working days of receiving the outcome of your case. If you require an extension to submit your appeal you should contact the Governance Team via the Student Appeals inbox to request this.

*A reporting party in a Student Discipline process may not make an appeal on the grounds that a sanction imposed on another student was disproportionate.

What will the University do with my appeal?

The grounds for appeal will be considered by the Head of Governance and a member of the Appeals Pool, who will decide either:

  • that there are no grounds for appeal, in which case the Case Manager will write to the student informing them that the appeal will not proceed and the reason for this. They will include a Completion of Procedures letter; or,

  • that there are grounds for appeal, in which case the Case Manager will convene an Appeals Panel.

The Appeals Panel will be made up of three members of the Appeals Panel Pool, at least one of whom is a member of the University of Bath staff, and at least one of whom is an external colleague. The Panel retains the right to co-opt expertise to advise on individual cases.

The Appeals Panel will hold a hearing, to which you will be invited, and at which you can make a statement and may be asked to answer questions. The Appeals Panel will need thoroughly to test the grounds on which you have made your appeal and may invite representatives from the University to enable them to do this.

The Appeals Panel will then decide either:

  • to reject the appeal case, confirming the original outcome (and sanctions); or

  • to uphold the appeal case and amend the outcome (and/or sanctions).

You can find information about the full responsibilities of the Appeals Panel in their terms of reference.

What if I am still unhappy with the decision?

If you are unhappy with the decisions made in relation to your appeal case - either the decision to dismiss your appeal, or the outcome of your appeal - you can submit a complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator.

More information on how to do this will be found in your letter and on the OIA website.

The Students' Union Advice and Support Team are able to support you through all stages of the process, including any submission to the OIA.


If you have any questions, please contact us.