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Student Policy and Safeguarding: Safeguarding

Promoting a safe, inclusive environment where students thrive.

What is safeguarding at the University of Bath?

Safeguarding at the University of Bath describes the work that we do to promote a safe, inclusive environment where students thrive.

The Student Policy and Safeguarding unit manage safeguarding through proactive and reactive approaches, ensuring that the highest possible standards of safeguarding are maintained to allow students to thrive within an inclusive community.

Student wellbeing and protection - Office for Students

The Office for Students uses the term ‘safeguarding’ to cover a range of institutional responsibilities, policies and processes in areas including sexual misconduct, Prevent, student mental health, LGBTQ+ support and minority and international students and defines it as “systems, policies and cultures through which providers keep students safe from harm, and respond when incidents occur”.

Safeguarding key contacts

Designated Safeguarding Lead for Students:

Nic Streatfield, Director of Student Support and Safeguarding

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads for Students:

Elisabeth Day, Deputy Director (Student Policy and Safeguarding)

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact the Student Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputies at

University of Bath Safeguarding Policy.