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Submission Pending and Training Support fees for postgraduate research students

As part of your postgraduate tuition fees, you may need to pay Training Support and Submission Pending fees.

Submission Pending fees

If you are a doctoral student, have completed the minimum period of registration for your programme, and are in the final stages of preparing your thesis for submission, you may be eligible to request a transfer to ‘Submission Pending’ status.

While registered under this status, you will be eligible to pay a reduced annual tuition fee as follows:

  • £680 for the 2024/25 academic year
  • £710 for the 2025/26 academic year

With Submission Pending status you will continue to:

  • have access to Digital, Data & Technology (DD&T) services, including your email account
  • have access to Library resources
  • receive supervision

Administration fee

Please note that, from the academic year 2025/26, you will no longer be able to apply for Administration status.

You may be eligible to request a transfer to Administration status and a reduced fee if you satisfy both of the following criteria:

  • you are a doctoral student that has completed the prescribed minimum period of registration for your programme
  • you have completed the work and can make a satisfactory case for why you no longer require supervision and access to the Library

While registered under this status you must pay an annual administration fee as follows:

  • £110 for the 2024/25 academic year
  • £115 for the 2025/26 academic year

You will continue to have access to DD&T services, including your email account.

Due to the lack of supervisory contact and progress reporting, this status is not available to visa holders.

Training Support fees (TSF)

If you are a doctoral student, you may be charged a Training Support fee on top of your tuition fee. You will receive details of this charge in your offer letter. When you accept your offer of a place, you will also need to accept the TSF.

Training Support fees, sometimes called 'Bench fees', provide funding to the department which will assist your research project so that they can help you complete your PhD. Any equipment bought with a TSF belongs to the University, not to you or any sponsor.

The TSF can cover a range of costs, including training, conference attendance, laboratory consumables, printing, photocopying, books, laptops and other project costs. How they are used depends on your research project and you will be able to discuss this in detail with your supervisor at the University.

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