Pre-school age children
If your child is aged three or four years old, they will be eligible for the UK government's 15-hour free childcare offer, regardless of immigration status. Note however that children of international students are not eligible for other free childcare schemes or benefits, such as the free childcare for two-year-olds, child benefit, tax credits and 30 hours free childcare.
The Westwood Nursery on campus is for children from six months to four years old. There is a charge for the nursery.
Places are limited, so please make enquiries before you arrive in Bath.
TeamBath offer holiday activities
Find out more about schools, nurseries, childminders, holiday playschemes and places to take your children in Bath.
Schools for children
'If your child was born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017, he or she is able to start school in September 2021.
Bath & North East Somerset Council manages admissions to schools. You must have accommodation in Bath or elsewhere in the county before the council will consider your child for a place.
It is possible to make a late application when you arrive in the summer. You will need to contact the council's school admissions team.
Schools can also offer English language support for children. The school will assess your child's English language ability once he or she has started at the school.
Courses for adults
Courses with qualifications
Your family members can study full-time or part-time. Bath College offers adult education courses in a range of subjects.
Recreational courses
The Edge organises art, dance and drama courses and workshops.
Bath College also offers part-time recreational courses.