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Supporting students in distress

Advice for staff on how to respond to students in distress and how to get support from other teams within the University.

If you are concerned about a student

Use the following information as guidance, but make your own decision on the most appropriate action to take in each situation.

At immediate and serious risk

If the student is:

  • threatening to harm themselves or another person
  • disorientated or out of touch with reality
  • behaving in a bizarre way

You should:

  • call 999 for an ambulance then call University Security Services on 666
  • call the Student Support staff advice line on 01225 384321

In need of urgent help

If the student is:

  • very distressed, unwell or a serious concern to others
  • in need of urgent support but safe from immediate risk

You should:

  • call the Student Support staff advice line on 01225 384321
  • advise the student to make an appointment with a GP as soon as they can

Not at immediate risk and willing to engage

If the student is:

  • in need of support, but composed and rational
  • safe from immediate risk
  • willing and able to engage with services

You should:

  • advise the student to see a Student Support Adviser
  • advise the student to make an appointment with a GP for any medical issues

Not at immediate risk but unwilling to engage

If the student is:

  • in need of support, or of serious concern to others
  • safe from immediate risk, but unwilling or unable to engage with services

You should:

  • advise the student to make an appointment with a GP
  • give the student the contact details for Student Support
  • call the Student Support staff advice line on 01225 384321

Where students can get help

You can refer students to these services:


If you have any questions, please contact us.