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Using University facilities after you graduate

You can continue to use many of the University’s facilities long after you graduate. Please quote your Alumni Number with all enquiries.


If you are visiting Bath and would like to stay on campus, ensuite rooms are available in our University residences. All campus accommodation is offered to alumni with a 10% discount.

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Visit guest accommodation pages


You can access the University Library for free for after you graduate. Once you have registered, your membership will last for at period of five years at a time.

You are able to borrow up to five items at a time, and to access some of the University’s online journal resources.

Find out more about accessing the Library as a graduate by visiting the Library webpages.

Team Bath Sports Training Village

Facilities include the Team Bath gym, Olympic-sized swimming pool, classes and tennis. To access these facilities at a discounted rate, please contact the Alumni Relations team in advance and we will provide you with a letter confirming your alumni status.

Alumni pay no membership joining fee (normally £50) and can take advantage of concession rates on subscription. Contact the Sports Training Village.

Mini tailored memberships are available if you are visiting Bath. Seven-day passes include access to the TeamBath gym and swimming pool. Options are available for longer or shorter periods. Find out more.


If you have any questions, please contact us.