Complying with the Consumer Markets Authority (CMA)
All content on our website, particularly content which sells a product, like our courses, must comply with the CMA's advice to universities. This means giving our students and prospective students information that is clear, timely, accurate and comprehensive.
Using the right tone and style in Course Publisher
Your content should meet the editorial style guidelines and writing for the web guidelines.
You should:
- use ‘you will’ or ‘you can', not ‘you will be given the opportunity to’
- use ‘we’ and ‘you’, not ‘the Department’ or ‘the School’
- avoid subjective adjectives such as ‘exciting’ or ‘interesting’
- back up claims with evidence
Your tone should be assured and direct but welcoming.
Don’t be afraid to state the obvious. If we are one of the few universities to offer a subject in the UK, mention this.
Words to avoid
Avoid marketing clichés, higher education jargon and vague or complicated terms, for example:
- in addition
- thus
- furthermore
- broad range
- world-class
- world-leading or internationally excellent (unless referring specifically to a REF result)
- ever-changing
- cutting-edge
- state-of-the-art
- dynamic
- forefront
- fast-moving
- emerging
- leverage
- undertake
- utilise