Administration of Research Projects – Balances on Projects
This section deals with research projects that have officially terminated but where balances still remain. This procedure is effective from 1 April 2006.
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
This section deals with research projects that have officially terminated but where balances still remain. This procedure is effective from 1 April 2006.
Introduction to the University's financial regulations - Assets
The University is committed to the proper use of funds, both public and private through the prevention of fraud and the promotion of an anti-fraud culture.
Introduction to the University's financial regulations - Equipment
Introduction to the University's financial regulations - Expenditure
An introduction to the University's financial regulations.
Introduction to the University's financial regulations - Financial Management
The financial policies provide more detailed information on how regulations are to be followed in important areas such as purchasing and intellectual property.
These financial procedures set out the standard practice that the University has established for the administration of financial activities.
The financial processes from application to completion, for building, refurbishment and equipment grants.