Designation of Committee Business - open and reserved business
We have identified seven categories of information, which we will not routinely publish under the Freedom of Information Act.
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
We have identified seven categories of information, which we will not routinely publish under the Freedom of Information Act.
Information about the guidance on corporate governance.
Our governance structure is laid out in the University Charter, Statutes and Ordinances. It is comprised of three branches.
This document details the University's policy framework.
Read our policy on the procedure for the establishment, merger, renaming or disestablishment of a faculty, school or academic department of the University.
Sets out the procedures for public interest disclosure (whistleblowing) and provides guidance for raising concerns that are in the public interest
The Policy reiterates the University's commitment to taking seriously concerns related to potential wrongdoing and to protecting those making such disclosures.