Overseas working: process for considering requests to work overseas
The process for HoDs and line managers to follow for current and prospective staff with requests to work from overseas.
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
The process for HoDs and line managers to follow for current and prospective staff with requests to work from overseas.
The terms and conditions covering our hot drinks loyalty card in Parade.
This guide provides information on how to apply for unpaid leave to look after children under the age of 18 years.
If you park a vehicle on campus, you must comply with our regulations and conditions.
Explains what paternity leave is, the eligibility to receive it and how to apply for it.
Acceptable use of file sharing applications.
Information on the University's policy regarding personal and professional relationships.
This regulation sets out the rules to be applied to corporate and personal subscriptions and when this expenditure can be incurred by the University.
The University’s approach for ensuring placements and study abroad programmes comply with University safety policy.
Understand your responsibilities under the Points-Based Immigration System.