Procedure for the appointment of a Deputy Vice-Chancellor
The procedure to follow when appointing a Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
The procedure to follow when appointing a Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
The procedure to follow when appointing a Head of an Academic Department.
The procedure to follow when appointing a Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
The process all University departments must follow when adding items to or removing items from an asset register, including general maintenance of the register.
Information for external partners on how the University processes confidential and sensitive data, collected for impact case studies.
Procurement Practitioners should follow this guidance to manage potential conflicts of interest when purchasing goods and services for the University
This page is to help suppliers understand how the University advertises its Procurement needs.
This policy states the rules which apply to the acquisition of all supplies, services and works by or on behalf of the University of Bath.
Understand the criteria and procedure for conferment of a title of Professor Emeritus.
Understand the procedure and timescales behind the professorial and senior staff salary review.