Adverse weather response plan
This plan outlines the organisation’s planned response to five types of adverse weather events which may affect University sites and their surrounding areas.
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
This plan outlines the organisation’s planned response to five types of adverse weather events which may affect University sites and their surrounding areas.
The University's approach to monitoring, identifying and avoiding bribery.
The University's approach to monitoring, identifying and avoiding bribery.
Read our policy on delegated authority to sign contractual documents on behalf of the University.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University has plans and processes in place to develop and maintain effective business continuity arrangements.
The University has a longstanding and deeply embedded commitment to Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom.
The terms and scope of the Data Protection Act and how they apply to the University.
A summary of how the University collects and uses staff data and meets its data protection obligations.
The University's Data Protection Policy.
Our statement of compliance with export controls.