Academic Department Committee Structure
An overview of the committee structure for academic departments
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
An overview of the committee structure for academic departments
The procedure for the establishment, award and amendment of Faculty, School and University awards and prizes.
The membership and terms of reference for academic departments establishing an Executive Committee
The membership and terms of reference for academic departments establishing the deparment Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee.
The membership and terms of reference for academic departments establishing a research and knowledge exchange committee.
This is a description of the role undertaken by a Reseach Ethics officer and the best practice.
The membership and terms of reference for arranging a departmental meeting.
The membership and terms of reference for academic departments establishing their Staff/Student Liaison Committee.
Understand the criteria and procedure for conferment of a title of an honorary or visiting academic appointment.
Understand the criteria and procedure for conferment of a title of Professor Emeritus.