3MT® competition rules and judging criteria
Learn more about the 3MT® competition rules and the criteria by which your presentation will be judged against
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
Learn more about the 3MT® competition rules and the criteria by which your presentation will be judged against
How we approach research involving animals, including regulations we follow, our ethical review process and the animal species we use in our research.
Read this procedure if you have applied for a place to study at the University and want to make a complaint or appeal about the selection process.
Find out about the regulation and governance of the University and download our Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations documents.
What we do with the information you submit when you book a test.
Our code for research and experimentation involving the use of animals.
Our commitment to sound corporate governance and the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our activities.
Principles and standards that you must adhere to if you are involved in research at the University of Bath.
Our commitment to implementing fair and responsible methods of research assessment and management.
Information about the contextual data that we use as part of our admissions process during the 2022 UCAS cycle.