Department Staff Meeting
The membership and terms of reference for arranging a departmental meeting.
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
The membership and terms of reference for arranging a departmental meeting.
The membership and terms of reference for academic departments establishing their Staff/Student Liaison Committee.
Find out about the deposit you might need to pay to secure your place on a master's course, including how much you need to pay and the payment deadline.
We have identified seven categories of information, which we will not routinely publish under the Freedom of Information Act.
Guidance for staff on how formal meetings are recorded.
Information on what disability leave is, when it may apply and how it can be requested.
This page outlines the job roles that are covered by Statute 25.
How we ensure that employees who breach the rules of conduct are treated reasonably, consistently and fairly in every case Updated Oct 23 Resolution Framework
The University's rights and responsibilities for content on this website, including course information and personal homepages for staff and students.
Full terms and conditions for doctoral students considering applying for the Doctoral College Research Activities Fund