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Charitable Status

Find out about the regulation and governance of the University and download our Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations documents.


This is the information that The Office for Students (OfS) requires the University to make available, including information about the constitution and governance of the University, and our Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations documents.


The University of Bath was established in 1966 by Royal Charter. Our Royal Charter Number is RC000644.

The Charter gives us University status and defines the objects, powers, officers and statutory bodies of the University. It defines the University as a teaching, research and examining body and includes such fundamental powers as those of awarding degrees.


We are recognised by the British Government for the award of degrees.

British Government Statutory Instrument 1999 No.833, the Education (Recognised Bodies) Order 1999 includes the University of Bath in its list of accredited Higher Education Institutions.

The Statutes set out details about the members and officers of the University, the membership and functions of statutory bodies (including Court, Council, and Senate), conditions of service which apply to academic staff and other miscellaneous provisions (such as the service of documents and contracts).


The Ordinances give further details on the way in which the University is governed within the broad principles set out in the Charter and Statutes.


The Regulations regulate the academic work of the University, the education and discipline of its students, and such other matters as lie within the functions of Senate.

Charitable status

We are a chartered corporation and an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011.

Our legal and preferred name is The University of Bath and our correspondence address is:

The University of Bath
Claverton Down

In accordance with the Charities Act 2011, the University is regulated by the The Office for Students (OfS).


The trustees of the University are members of the University Council. View details of any other charities of which Council members are trustees.

Financial statements

View full audited consolidated financial statements for the University.