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Data Protection and Privacy Statement summary

A summary of how the University collects and uses staff data and meets its data protection obligations.

Code Of Practice

In entering into their contracts of employment, members of staff consent to the University processing data about them as necessary for the proper administration of the employment relationship, both during and after their employment.

The data may include (but is not limited to) information about qualifications, race or ethnic origin, gender, disability, matters of discipline, criminal convictions, age and years of service, membership of a recognised trade union, pensionable pay or contributions, matters relating to mental or physical health (including dates of absence due to illness and the reason for the absence) and matters relating to pregnancy and maternity leave.

Much of this data will be held in written (paper or electronic) form. However, the University also takes photographs and may also record lectures or other events. The staff data captured or held may therefore include visual images of staff and audio recordings of their voice.

Such data may be processed for any legitimate reasons connected with employment by the University including payment of salary, pension, sickness benefit or other payments due under the contract of employment, monitoring absence or sickness, training and development purposes, negotiations with trade union or staff representatives, redundancy and succession planning, curriculum planning and organisation and to comply with any statutory or other legal obligation binding on the University, and for other legitimate purposes. This may also include the publication of the employee's name and contact details in University publications and on the University’s internal and external websites. Data may also be processed to ensure compliance with the Equality Act and the University’s HR Policies and from time to time information is required to be sent in coded and anonymised form to the Higher Education Statistics Agency for the purposes of statistical analysis and use by central government departments and agencies.

The University also undertakes monitoring of computer facilities (including e-mail and access to the internet) in order to ensure the effective operation of the central computer and network systems and for other legitimate purposes. Members of staff should refer to the Computer Users Code (as amended from time to time) for further information.

Personal data will be processed only in accordance with the University’s registration under the Data Protection Act. Any queries regarding Data Protection should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer, WH 8.17


If you have any questions, please contact us.