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Employment terms and conditions for staff in grades 2 to 5

Understand the terms and conditions for staff in grades 2 to 5.

Terms And Conditions


Salaries are specified in the advertisement for the post. Salary scales are currently subject to annual review with effect from 1 August each year. Salaries are normally paid monthly on the 25th of each month by credit transfer to a bank or building society account.

Hours of work

The standard working hours for a full-time employee are 36.5 per week. The University has a flexible working hours scheme which is adopted where working circumstances permit.

Place of work

Your normal place of work is the University premises in Bath. However, you may be required to work on either a temporary or permanent basis at any other University of Bath premises, or at any other location at which the University provides services. Wherever possible we will discuss any change with you, and endeavour to give you reasonable notice of any such change.


Where work is required in excess of normal working hours it will, wherever possible, be covered by time off in lieu. Time off in lieu should normally be taken within one month of being accrued. At the manager's discretion, it may be taken at a later date. If unable to take time-off in lieu the entitlement to overtime payment is as follows:

Day of week Overtime
Monday to Saturday time and half
Sunday double time

These rates only apply where hours exceed 36.5 hours per week. When it becomes essential to work on Bank Holidays or Discretionary Days, double time will be paid for the actual hours worked, and time off in lieu will be given for the same number of hours worked on that day. Where working of overtime is a contractual requirement of the job, time off in lieu is not appropriate and extra hours worked will be paid at the rates above.

Annual leave

For full-time staff there are 23 days of annual leave (increasing to 25 days after five years' service), plus the (eight) Bank Holidays, and a further five days. Three of these days normally fall at Christmas, when the University is closed for normal business from Christmas Eve until the New Year. An additional day is taken on Easter Tuesday and August Bank Holiday Tuesday. Entitlements for part-time staff are calculated on a proportional basis. In the academic departments in particular, staff may be encouraged to take their main periods of leave outside University semesters.

Sick leave

Subject to compliance with the sickness absence policy, an employee absent from duty owing to illness shall be entitled to receive an allowance in accordance with the following scales:

Period covered Full pay Half Pay
First year after 3 months service 2 months 2 months
Second and third year of service 3 months 3 months
Fourth and fifth year of service 5 months 5months
After 5 years service 6 months 6 months


Staff may join the University of Bath Group Pension Scheme (UoBGPS) for which the employee's average contribution is 6% of salary with the University contributing a higher amount. In addition, the University will contribute 8% of your pensionable pay into this pension plan.

Trade union

You have the right to belong to any trade union of your choice, but it is not a condition of employment that you must become a member of a trade union. The University recognises UNISON and Unite as the appropriate trades unions to represent your grade of staff in the University.


Appointments are subject to a probationary period of six months.


Appointments may be terminated in writing by giving one weeks' notice during probation and one month’s notice thereafter. After probation, the University will give notice in line with statutory arrangements which increases to a maximum of 12 weeks. Notice should be in writing addressed to the Head of Department with a copy to the Department of Human Resources.

Health and medical matters

Appointments are offered subject to the University receiving a satisfactory report on your health from the University’s Occupational Health Department. This is normally undertaken on the basis of a review of a confidential medical questionnaire.


If you have any questions, please contact us.