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Intellectual Property Policy

Intellectual property is a term used to describe legal rights that can exist in ideas generated and works created by individuals.


The full policy can be found in Ordinance 22

Distribution of residual income to staff

Residual income from licensing agreements received by the University is split with the academic staff as agreed and following Ordinance 22.8.

Income split

At the time the license agreement is signed the university and the academic team will agree the split. At present it is set in favour of the academic team at either:

  • 90%/10%
  • 70%/30%
  • 55%/45%

University's proportion

The University’s proportion is split as follows:

  • 50% to Crescent fund
  • 25% to Faculty/School
  • 33% to University

Further information on commercialising your research.


If you have any questions, please contact us.