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Principles of student voice at the University

The principles we follow when conducting student voice activities at Bath.

Code Of Practice

Inclusivity and diversity

We believe every student’s voice matters, regardless of their background, identity, experience or mode of study. We strive to contribute to an inclusive and diverse environment where all students are encouraged and supported to share their perspectives through accessible and diverse channels.

Mutual respect

We promote a culture of mutual respect in all student voice interactions where both students and staff recognise the knowledge, skills and contribution each makes. This includes building processes that make sure the feedback loop is closed so that students see how their feedback is being valued and used. We aim to foster a high degree of trust and partnership working, through which differences of opinion are embraced as opportunities for growth and learning.

Continuous improvement

Student feedback should be used to drive positive changes and enhance the overall quality of the student experience. We recognise the time constraints on staff and students and aim to maintain an infrastructure that effectively values and makes best use of student voice opportunities for meaningful engagement.

Long-term vision

We maintain a long-term vision for student voice that extends beyond the immediate concerns of students to accommodate ongoing sector requirements and changes in alignment with the University’s and The SU’s (Students' Union) strategic goals. We celebrate and communicate areas of success and share best practices to make sure that all students and staff are aware that their voice is valued.

Joined-up approach

We apply the underlying principles (Wellbeing, Student Voice & Partnership, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Communications) of the Student Experience Vision to the delivery of our student voice activity. We will work closely with other groups across the University to ensure a coordinated and effective approach is taken, particularly for areas of business that overlap and where data could be more effectively shared.

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