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Research Data Policy

This policy ensures that the University and its researchers fulfil their legal, ethical and contractual obligations regarding research data management.


The University of Bath recognises that research data are valuable assets and that good management of research data brings benefits to the researcher, the University, and the wider community. This Research Data Policy demonstrates the University’s support for the UKRI position that publicly funded research data are a public good that should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner. The Policy implements the principles set out in both the Concordat on Open Research Data and the UKRI Common Principles on Data Policy and, as far as is possible, is aligned with the FAIR data principles.

The University recognises that it is the collective responsibility of researchers, doctoral and project supervisors, and the institution to ensure that research data are appropriately managed. The Library’s Research Data Service provides guidance and training on all aspects of research data management, and also manages the University’s Research Data Archive. Support can be obtained from the Research Data Team via Computing Services provide secure and resilient storage for research data, advice and support for data security, and facilities for advancing research computing.

The Policy and guidance should be read in conjunction with the University's Code of Good Practice in Research Integrity; the Intellectual Property Policy; the Institutional Code of Ethics; the IT Security Policy; the University's Data Protection guidance; guidance on Freedom of Information; and the Information Classification Framework.

  1. This policy applies to all research conducted by members of the University that is expected to result in published findings of lasting scholarly value. Relevant guidance  
  2. The University of Bath Principal Investigator or Doctoral/Project Supervisor associated with a research project is the Data Steward for that project and is ultimately responsible for research data management. Relevant guidance  
  3. Researchers are responsible for making themselves familiar with and adhering to legislation, regulatory requirements, contractual obligations, ethical approvals, and funder policies that pertain to their research data. Where research involves the use of data owned by a third party, researchers must also abide by any applicable licences or terms of use governing the data. Relevant guidance  
  4. Data Management Plans must be written for all research projects that are expected to process data, irrespective of whether submission of such plans is required when applying for research funding. Relevant guidance  
  5. Where possible researchers should seek to recover the direct costs of managing research data from the research funder. Relevant guidance  
  6. Researchers must ensure that active research data are stored securely and protected from loss and unauthorised access. Data Stewards should ensure that access is not limited to a single person. Relevant guidance  
  7. Researchers should provide sufficient explanatory documentation and descriptive metadata about their research data to ensure that data are understandable, re-usable, and, where appropriate, discoverable, by peer researchers. Relevant guidance  
  8. Research data must usually be retained after project completion if they substantiate research findings, are of acknowledged long-term value, support a patent application, or if other legal or regulatory requirements for data retention apply. Relevant guidance  
  9. Unless legal, regulatory, or funder requirements specify otherwise, data selected for retention must be preserved for 10 years from the end of a project or the publication date of any research findings based upon them, whichever is the later, after which retention will be reviewed. Relevant guidance  
  10. Research data that have been selected for retention must be made openly available with as few restrictions as reasonable practicable, unless this would breach legislative, regulatory, contractual, ethical, or other obligations, or unless the cost of doing so would be prohibitive. Relevant guidance  
  11. A data access statement describing how and on what terms any supporting research data may be accessed must be included in associated publications based upon supporting data. Relevant guidance  
  12. Published research data should be licensed to permit the widest possible reuse, whilst ensuring that original data creators receive appropriate credit.. Relevant guidance  
  13. Published research data should be registered with the University, and if appropriate reported to Researchfish, even if access to the data is restricted. Relevant guidance

Owner: Library Research Data Service Version number: 2 Approval Date: 6 February 2019 (originally approved April 2014) Approved By: Senate Date of last review: February 2019

The wording of this research data policy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. All logos, page design, and other intellectual property remain under copyright to the University of Bath.


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