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ResLife Code of Conduct

These rules are in place to help ensure that we all live, study and work together in a positive atmosphere, respecting the rights and needs of others.


Louise Sansam, Marketing & Communications Manager, ResLife
Approval date
10 Jan 2023
Approved by
Clare Cobb, ResLife Experience Manager, ResLife
Date of last review
10 Jan 2023
Date of next review
10 Jan 2024

Residents must conduct themselves at all times in a responsible and proper manner with due consideration for University staff, other residents, local residents and members of the public.


To ensure that we all live, study and work together in a positive atmosphere of good order, respecting the rights and needs of others.

To remind all students from time-to-time, as may be necessary, of the standards and behaviour required of them within our community.

Our Residential Rules (RR) for life in halls are as follows:

RR1. Causing nuisance or noise affecting the work or sleep of others

After 23:30 it is expected that no noise or music should be heard in adjacent corridors, rooms or nearby.

For those assigned quiet accommodation after 22:00 it is expected that no noise or music should be heard in adjacent corridors, rooms or nearby.

Note - After 23:30 residents should show special consideration to other students in the group who may be trying to sleep. Remember that you are here to study so please respect the right of other residents to peace and quiet when they need it.

If you feel your own peace and quiet is being affected, try to speak to the offending party in a reasonable manner.

If you cannot resolve the matter, contact during office hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) or Security 24/7 via 01225 385349.

If requested by Security or accommodation staff to reduce the noise or disperse or vacate a room due to excessive noise, then it is expected for the request to be complied with without undue delay. Failure to comply with a reasonable request from Security or accommodation staff could result in disciplinary action / sanction.

Please note that even before the noise curfews, respect and consideration should be shown to fellow residents. Residents should refrain from excessive noise or disruptive behaviour at all times.

RR2. Cleanliness

Residents must look after their accommodation and maintain acceptable levels of cleanliness as detailed in the expectations posters displayed in accommodation kitchen noticeboards.

Residents must ensure that communal areas including passageways, stairwells and exits are kept clear at all times.

RR3. Good neighbour conduct

Your behaviour should be compatible not only with good order within the residences and show consideration for your fellow students and their wellbeing, but also should not disturb, inconvenience or upset members of the local community or our staff.

In particular, but not exclusively, you should be fully aware that threatening, intimidating, bullying or harassing behaviour is not tolerated under any circumstances, nor damage to or misuse of property.

Please treat others with respect, acknowledging other cultures and lifestyles.

RR4. Causing damage to University Accommodation or other University Property

The officer responsible for implementing action will be the ResLife Operations Manager or their nominee. They will liaise with relevant parties to arrange repairs or replacement. Charges will then be communicated and passed on to the student(s) concerned.

Where damage is in communal areas and where it is impossible to identify the individual(s) responsible, the kitchen group/flat members will be notified of the damage and a request made for the person responsible to own up. If it is impossible to identify the individual(s) responsible, the invoice will be issued to all students sharing the facility, who will be held jointly liable.

Failure to settle a communal charge by the deadline date will result in the total cost being applied proportionately to individual student accounts within the kitchen group.

If damage is caused to University property other than residences, the officer responsible for implementing action is the Head of Security, who will liaise with Estates to arrange repairs and cost recovery.

RR5. Cooking safely in your accommodation

Students are responsible for safety whilst cooking within University managed property; students should never leave grill, microwave or hob cooking unattended and should always ensure that oven/microwave and ‘slow’ cooking is managed in a way so as not to cause damage or safety concerns.

RR6. Improperly using keys/access control cards including duplicating or lending to other persons is not allowed

On changing rooms you must return the keys to your old room by a specified date.

RR7. Tampering with window restrictors

Windows are fitted with restrictors for your safety and these must not be tampered with. Residents are not permitted to climb out of windows or sit on window ledges.

RR8. Keeping animals or pets on University premises

In order to minimise health and safety risks, subject to the exception given below, animals are not permitted in University accommodation. If any are found in your accommodation you will be required to remove them immediately. The university reserves the right to remove the animal and keep it at your cost.

Assistance animals

Approved assistance dogs (guide dogs, hearing dogs, service dogs) are allowed into University accommodation under the control of their owner.

Emotional Support or Therapy animals

The University recognises the positive impact animals have on wellbeing and in providing emotional assistance. However, there is currently no recognised accreditation of Emotional Support or Therapy animals.

Unregistered and untrained Emotional Support or Therapy animals will only be permitted to join students in university accommodation in exceptional circumstances, where there is clear medical evidence, and the University has approved via the additional requirements application procedure. This is assessed on an individual case-by-case basis.

Owners of Assistance Dogs, Emotional Support or Therapy animals will be responsible for:

  • Ensuring their animal does not cause injury or harm, ill health, offense, nuisance, or distress to other members of the university community.
  • Ensuring their animal does not cause damage or introduce parasites to the university premises.
  • Ensuring their animal is covered by full public liability insurance.
  • Ensuring their animal does not roam freely throughout any University building or outside within the University Estate.
  • Ensuring their animal is not left in vehicles on campus or tied up outside university buildings, where applicable.
  • Ensuring their animal does not foul areas of campus.
  • Ensuring their animal is only exercised in agreed areas, where applicable.
  • Ensuring their animal is identifiable as a therapy or assistance animal when outside University accommodation, where applicable.
  • Ensuring their animal is always under control.
  • Being able to provide information about the animal and its tasks/duties (where applicable), when requested by staff.

For more information regarding the Assistance Dogs and Emotional Support or Therapy animals in University of Bath accommodation procedure, please contact

Other residents of University accommodation shall not:

  • Touch or feed an assistance animal, Emotional Support or Therapy animals, unless invited to do so by their user;
  • Deliberately distract or startle an assistance animal;
  • Separate or attempt to separate an assistance animal from the person using the animal's service.

RR9. Motor vehicles and parking

Students living in University accommodation on campus or in the city campus may not park or be in possession of a motor vehicle (including a motorbike/moped) on University property, or on public roads within the City of Bath boundaries unless granted a permit, or if they are using the vehicle that belongs to the official Car Club of which they are a member.

RR10. Parties/large gatherings

Parties or large gatherings are not allowed in and around residences due to the excessive noise and damage that they may cause. Small social gatherings will be allowed in kitchens provided written permission has been sought in advance (at least 24 hours) from your ResLife Operations Team Leader via Those attending such gatherings must not breach any of the Residential Rules.

If requested by Security or accommodation staff to reduce the noise or disperse or vacate a room due to excessive noise, then it is expected for the request to be complied with without undue delay. Failure to comply with a reasonable request from Security or accommodation staff could result in disciplinary action / sanction.

RR11. Visitors and guests

No person may occupy or share the occupation or live in any room or premises on a long term basis other than the student assigned the room.

You must not permit anyone else to use or occupy the room, or stay overnight in the room without informing the ResLife Team. Your guest must not stay at any one time for longer than 3 nights. You must not permit anyone to stay overnight in any communal area. You will be responsible at all times for the behaviour of your visitors or guests.

If the guests of any resident breaks any of the Residential Rules or University Regulations, or cause damage to University property the resident will receive the appropriate penalty and disciplinary action. The guest may also be asked to leave accommodation without notice.

RR12. Subletting of rooms

Residents are not permitted to sub-let, or allow other students to live in their room without the formal permission of the ResLife Team via

RR13. Access to Students’ rooms

The University regards it as paramount that student privacy is protected.

In order for the University staff to discharge and fulfil their property management and student welfare roles, students are required to provide access to their accommodation at all reasonable times. In exceptional cases, where urgent entry is deemed appropriate, entry may be requested at times that may not be generally described as reasonable.

RR14. Prohibited items in residences

Include non CE marked or untested electrical circuitry, weapons/replica/sport guns, hazardous and flammable materials/liquids or chemicals. You may be responsible for the damage caused by the use of such equipment including call out cost for resetting a circuit breaker.

Due to the increased risk of fire caused by Lithium batteries, the following items must not be charged in the residences:

  • E-bikes
  • E-scooters
  • Vape batteries

RR15. Incense sticks and candles

You cannot burn joss/incense sticks or use naked flames due to the sensitivity of the fire detection equipment, (other than candles such as birthday cake candles which may be used if you have sought prior consent from the ResLife Operations Manager).

RR16. Cycle, e-bike and e-scooter storage

Students must not store bicycles, e-bikes or e-scooters in their rooms or inside accommodation buildings. Any bicycles or e-scooters found stored inside residences are likely to be removed and stored at your cost. Secure bicycle stores are located close to the residences.

RR17. Displays in windows

Displays in or from windows is not allowed including international flags, washing and alcohol bottles/cans. Reasonable bedroom ornaments on internal window sills are however acceptable.

RR18. Breach of Health and Safety regulations

This will include failing to evacuate during a fire alarm activation or returning to the building whilst the alarm is still activating or before being given permission by a security officer to return, interference with fire protection and other University Health and Safety equipment e.g. malicious activation of fire alarms or fire extinguishers, covering or disconnecting fire detectors, propping open of fire doors etc.

The University will endeavour to communicate its updated health and safety requirements to you via the University’s website, notices in your accommodation and/or written communication sent directly to you.

Please ensure that you follow the University’s requirements at all times. Failure to do so may be regarded as a serious breach of this Agreement and entitle the University to commence disciplinary action against you.

RR19. Use of social/living spaces

Residents must ensure the area is kept clear of any obstruction, furniture is not moved around and an acceptable standard of cleanliness is maintained.

ResLife Operations Teams may remove any personal belongings left in the area and you may be liable for any cleaning charges that are deemed necessary. Residents’ use of outdoor social living spaces should be mindful of noise and disturbance at all times.

RR20. Alcohol free accommodation

When living in an alcohol free flat or group you, or your guests, are not permitted to keep, drink or bring alcohol into your accommodation.

RR21. Smoking in University Buildings

All University accommodation is completely non-smoking including the use of e-cigarettes and vaporisers - it includes communal areas and individual study bedrooms - and means that you should be at least 4 metres away from any building when you smoke.

Breach of these Residential Rules

If you breach any of the terms contained herein and/or the Residential Rules, action may be taken against you.

The action taken will depend on the nature of the breach and the surrounding circumstances and it will be up to the University to decide in its discretion which procedure to follow. Action may be taken in accordance with the Student Accommodation Disciplinary Code outlined below. Please note that this could result in the termination of your accommodation contract and you losing your place in residence).

If your alleged conduct constitutes a breach of the University’s Regulations for Students you could also or instead face action under the University’s Disciplinary Regulations for Students.

If your alleged conduct constitutes a criminal offence it may also be reported to the police.

Student accommodation disciplinary code

The Director of Campus Services or their nominee may refer serious alleged breaches to be dealt with under the University’s Disciplinary Procedure, see University Regulation 7 and Regulation 8.

Procedure for dealing with breaches of these terms/Residential Rules by Students Living in University Accommodation under the Student Accommodation Disciplinary Code is as follows:

Action may commence or be taken at any stage depending upon the seriousness of the offence and the existence of current warnings against the student.

Written warning

For more serious cases or repetition of minor disciplinary matters/breaches, these will be issued by Campus Services staff and logged on the University Discipline database.

Investigative meeting

In response to a report of alleged breach of Residential Rules a ResLife Manager or their designate may conduct an Investigative Meeting to establish the circumstances of an incident and any persons involved.

Following an investigative meeting a decision could be made to issue a Written Warning or contribution to damage costs.

Termination of residence

This will be issued on the recommendation of Campus Services Managers in consultation with the Director of Campus Services and Head of Student Support or their nominee when dealing with discipline matters.

Disciplinary action in relation to minor breaches of Residential Rules and University Regulations is not placed on a student’s academic record or notified to their academic department, without explanation and prior notification to the student.

However, as set out above more serious or repeated misconduct will be notified to the University Student Discipline Manager and the relevant academic department.

Rights of appeal/appeals procedure

Residential rules

Where a student/resident disagrees with the disciplinary action taken and if informal discussions fail to resolve the dispute, students may formally appeal in writing against the outcome of any cases involving a disciplinary sanction within 7 working days of notification of any Disciplinary stating the grounds of the appeal.

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