Children and young people safety standard
This standard aims to provide the necessary information to ensure the additional needs of this age group are addressed in the university setting.
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
This standard aims to provide the necessary information to ensure the additional needs of this age group are addressed in the university setting.
What we do with the information you submit when you book a test.
How we are tackling climate change, through cutting emissions and embedding climate action in how we do business, leading research and high quality teaching.
Everyone attending the International Engineering Residential programme should abide by the code of conduct below.
Our code for research and experimentation involving the use of animals.
Our commitment to sound corporate governance and the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our activities.
Principles and standards that you must adhere to if you are involved in research at the University of Bath.
The University has a longstanding and deeply embedded commitment to Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom.
Our commitment to implementing fair and responsible methods of research assessment and management.
This document is a protocol and applies to employees of the University of Bath.