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Standing Orders for Joint Committees of Council and Senate

The standard operating procedures explain the conduct and responsibilities of joint committees of Council and Senate and its committees.


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Approval date
21 Aug 2024
Approved by
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Date of last review
21 Aug 2024
Date of next review
31 Jul 2025

These Standing Orders set out how joint committees of Council and Senate conduct their business and discharge their obligations under the University’s Statutes and other guidance.


Co-option shall be at the discretion of the Committee concerned. Co-option shall be for one year at a time and for a maximum period of three successive years; thereafter, a member shall not be eligible for co-option for a period of one year.


Where a member is a member by virtue of their office then they may nominate an alternate for any meeting they are unable to attend. Other members may not nominate alternates.


Rules for Voting

Voting at an in-person meeting normally takes place by a show of hands, but a written ballot shall be held at the request of one-third of those present. At an electronic meeting, voting shall normally be via the voting mechanism of the tool in use, not recording the names of those voting. At the request of one-third of those present, a ballot shall be conducted by e-mail to the Secretary or a designated assistant, who shall not record the names of those voting.


If you have any questions, please contact us.