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Student Support and Safeguarding Confidentiality Policy

We are committed to your privacy & safety and want all students interacting with Student Support & Safeguarding to understand how your data is used.


How we share information within the department

As a student at the University, you will have supplied certain personal data when applying. When you begin accessing support from the department (for example, through the Student Support Service) or if you are part of a process such as Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study, the department will process this information about you and your university experience in addition to any further data that you may supply as part of the process. We only process the information we need to know, and we save personal data securely and in accordance with the University’s technical and organisational security measures. This confidentiality policy applies to the following teams:

  • Disability Advice
  • Money Advice
  • Roper Student Support Centre Helpdesk
  • Safeguarding
  • Scholarships and Bursaries
  • Student complaints, casework, and discipline (including dignity and respect)
  • Student Mental Health, Therapeutic Services and Wellbeing
  • Student Retention and Development

To process any additional Support and Safeguarding related data, we are relying on Legitimate Interest as the primary Lawful Basis as per the Data Protection Act 2018 Article 6(1)(f). Any Special Category Data is processed under Article 9(g) of the same legislation. We use electronic systems to record our interactions with students and any letters, documents, emails or other correspondence are saved. This is not routinely shared with anyone outside of the department and is only shared with people within the department who need to know. We may share information within the department to improve our support to you. For example, if you’re a young adult carer (and have verified this), the next advisor you speak to may be able to see this information.

How we share information more widely within the University

It is very important to us that students can access support confidentially, without others knowing – for instance your academic department. It is standard at the University for this information to be kept confidential unless you give us consent and/or ask us to share the information with another department. The times when we would share information with another department within the University include (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • if we had a concern that you or another person is at risk of serious harm; this could mean information is shared without your consent in order to protect someone’s life. This includes with our Security team (where information is shared on a ‘need to know’ basis), or an external organisation such as the police or NHS services
  • if other departments were involved in your support or the process, for instance if you are attending a fitness to study meeting, or submitting an Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMC) claim, information could be shared between yourself, Student Support and Safeguarding, and your academic department
  • where we have made recommendations for you to have reasonable adjustments, this would be shared with your academic department so that they could consider making the adjustments
  • where you’ve received a warning following a disciplinary investigation, this would be shared with your academic department.

How we share information externally, such as with your trusted contact.

We often work with partner organisations external to the University to help support you, alongside our own teams. These third parties may include but are not limited to: providers of disability or counselling support services, health professionals, NHS services, funding bodies, or the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA). Where appropriate, we share relevant information with our partners to enable them to provide the support you need in a co-ordinated way. We ensure that everyone we work with has robust systems in place to keep your data safe and secure.

You may also wish to involve a parent, carer or another trusted person in conversations with our advisors to help us support you. This will be handled confidentially and we will agree the processing of the third party’s personal data on a case by case basis.

It is rare that the University shares information about any students with an external third party, such as your parent, carer or another trusted person without your consent. However, if we had significant concerns about your welfare and felt you (or someone else) were at risk of harm, we might do this. Alternatively, we might contact the police, social care or other external agencies. Please see the University’s Student Trusted Contact guidance for more information.

Do you have a question?

For more information, please contact the team you’ve been speaking with. Alternatively call our Helpdesk on 01225 383838.

If you should have any complaints about confidentiality, data protection, or any other aspect of our service please follow the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure.

Your personal data is held securely by the University and will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act, the University’s Data Protection Policy and Records Retention Schedule.


If you have any questions, please contact us.