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Terms and conditions for tuition fee discounts for alumni

The terms and conditions for tuition fee discounts for Bath alumni who want to study a postgraduate course at the University.

Terms And Conditions

Catherine Baldwin, Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions
2025 cycle
Approval date
01 Nov 2023
Approved by
Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions
Date of last review
01 Nov 2023
Date of next review
01 Aug 2025

This discount applies to students with Home or Overseas fee statuses.


If you have graduated with an honours undergraduate degree or postgraduate degree from a previous and separate course at the University of Bath, you may be eligible for a discount of 10% on any part of your tuition fees for which you are personally responsible when you enrol on a standalone taught Master's course or PhD programme. To be eligible for the discount you must not be receiving any:

We will apply the discount before payment of the tuition fee is due.

If you are found to be in breach of these terms and conditions, the University is entitled to immediately suspend any further discount and may seek to recover any or all amounts of previous payments made.

The University reserves the right to vary or withdraw the alumni discount at its sole discretion.

1. Eligibility Criteria

1.1 To be eligible you must:

  • Be a graduate of the University of Bath (or be due to graduate) from an honours undergraduate or postgraduate degree (e.g. BSc, BA, MEng, MA, MSc, MRes, MPhil, PhD).

  • Be self-financing the tuition fee for your course. We consider you to be self-financing if you are paying all or some of your tuition fees yourself (this includes students who take out Postgraduate Loans for Master's Study and Professional Career Development Loans). You are still deemed to be self-financing if you have support from a friend or relative.

1.2 The majority of study courses will qualify for the award but you are not eligible for the discount if you have studied on a pre-sessional course, occasional study course (such as a foreign language course) or an exchange programme. You are also not eligible if you progress from the BSc in Architecture to the MArch or you progress from the Integrated PhD onto the PhD programme. You are not eligible if you have graduated with a Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma.

2. Other regulations pertaining to the Alumni Fee Discount

2.1 The alumni discount is available if you commence a new postgraduate programme of study at the University (this includes postgraduate CPD courses).

2.2 The 10% alumni discount will apply for all years of study, for the normal duration of the course (pro rata for part-time courses).

2.3 There is no discount for any period where a Submission Pending fee is payable.

2.4 The 10% discount on tuition fees is not transferable and is applied as a reduction in the tuition fee due and excludes bench fees. The University does not permit the 10% fee discount to be used for any other purpose and there is no cash alternative.

3. Funding from sponsors or other sources

3.1 It is your responsibility to advise your Admissions Office and the University’s Student Finance Office if you have applied for or have obtained other funding for your tuition fees. This includes advising us of any changes to your funding situation after you have been notified of the discount and/or after the discount has been applied to your fee.

3.2 If you receive funding in full for your tuition fees from another source, including Research Councils, then you are not eligible for the 10% discount.

3.3 In the event that a studentship or sponsorship covering all or part of your tuition fees is awarded, the discount will apply only to fees payable either before the effective start date of your studentship or sponsorship, or to fees not covered by your studentship or sponsorship thereafter.

4. How to qualify for this award

4.1 You do not need to complete a separate application form for the Alumni Tuition Fee Discount. You will be assessed by your Admissions Office as part of the application process and your offer letter will confirm if you are eligible for the discount.

4.2 If you feel that you are eligible for the alumni discount but this has not been included in your offer letter, please contact your Admissions Office. If you have been denied an alumni discount but consider that you have good grounds for your case to be reconsidered, you should contact your Admissions Office. The final decision about the interpretation or application of the eligibility criteria will be taken by the Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions. You will be able to use the Admissions complaints and appeals procedure if you are unhappy with that final decision. Any queries relating to these terms and conditions should be directed to Claire Bannister, Head of Postgraduate Taught Admissions at

5. Suspensions, withdrawals and extensions to registration

5.1 If you subsequently withdraw from studies then your discount will be applied pro rata the level of fees accrued for the time studied.

5.2 If you are due a refund, Student Finance will contact you.

5.3 If any tuition fees are outstanding, Student Finance will invoice you for the amount due.

5.4 You can usually only claim the discount for the normal length of your studies. The discount will not apply to any extension to your registration.

Previous versions

Previous versions of these important terms and conditions can be found at the Internet Wayback Machine:


Get in touch if you have any queries relating to these terms and conditions.