Procurement harness, where appropriate, the benefits of collaborative Public Sector contracts such as those arranged nationally via University National Working Parties and the Cabinet Office. The University is also an active member of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortia (SUPC) one of the major H.E. Sector consortia.
The University of Bath Procurement Team members each have a distinct area of responsibility and are charged with developing supplier relationships in those areas (category management), effectively “key account managing” the buyer side. This encompasses and extends to the significant amount of University buying which is still done via local contracts and agreements, which are still frequently tendered to ensure fair competition and providing evidence of Value for Money.
Procurement intend to develop the E-Procurement agenda for the University and to implement Electronic tendering, Marketplace and E-auctions in future where appropriate to do so.
Trading with the University of Bath
All initial enquiries regarding opportunities to supply goods or provide services to the University should be addressed to the relevant Procurement Contracts Manager or the Head of Procurement or by emailing
There is also a guide to assist suppliers understand the processes involved with doing business with the University of Bath.
Approaches made directly to University departments do not guarantee an opportunity to supply as departmental staff will always be advised by Procurement to use appropriate contracts (and therefore contractors) where these exist. Departmental requests to use non-contracted suppliers may therefore be declined. We firmly believe in honouring contractual commitments and that there is integrity in this approach. Tender opportunities are widely advertised in advance.
Once it has been confirmed (either directly by Procurement or by their approval of a departmental “Supplier Request”) that the University wishes to trade with the supplier we will need to gather some basic information about the supplier to ensure that systems records are complete, and to facilitate prompt payment following a supply. This is via a "New Supplier Application" which will be sent by Procurement or the Department to the supplier at the appropriate time.
University of Bath Terms and Conditions
In all cases, the University contracts with and Purchases from Suppliers on our own Terms and Conditions (Goods and Services) unless the work involved is buying consultancy services then the Consultancy Services Terms and Conditions shall apply.