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Westwood Nursery complaints policy

Read the complaints policy and procedure for the Westwood Nursery


Policy statement

The care of all the children in our care is our paramount concern and central focus. We believe that children and parents are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, safe and careful attention to their needs and wishes.

We aim to work closely with all our parents to constantly improve our care and service. We welcome suggestions on how to improve our service and care and will give prompt and serious attention to any concerns about the running of the Nursery and how we can learn from them.

We anticipate that most concerns will be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate member of staff and it is important that wherever appropriate that concerns are raised as soon as possible in line with the informal process. If this does not achieve the desired result or if the matter is not appropriate for an informal process, we have a clear formal procedure for dealing with your concerns.

We aim to bring all concerns regarding the running of our Nursery to a satisfactory conclusion for all of the parties involved. We aim to learn from all matters raised with us for the benefit of all the children using the Nursery, their parents / guardians and our staff.


Informal Process

If you have a concern that can be dealt with informally you should discuss this first on a confidential basis with your child’s key worker, Room Leader or the Deputy Nursery Manager. They will work with you to clarify the issue, investigate it if necessary and from there to resolve the issue that you have raised and taking action where appropriate to correct the issue that you have identified.

Formal Processes

Stage 1

If you are not satisfied with the response from the informal stage or if you have a concern which is too serious to be raised at an informal level you should raise your concern in writing to the Nursery Manager.

For parents who are not comfortable with making written complaints, there is a template for recording complaints in the Parental Information Folder, the form may be completed with the Nursery Manager or in her absence the Deputy Nursery Manager and signed by the parent.

The Nursery Manager (or the Deputy Director of HR if applicable) will meet with you to discuss your complaint and following this carry out an investigation into the issues that you have raised if this is applicable.

The Nursery Manager (or the Deputy Director of HR is applicable) will meet with you again if this is necessary and write back to you confirm the outcome of the formal complaint process. This will normally be within 28 days of the first meeting with you.

Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the response from the formal complaint process (stage 1 above) you should write confirming the reasons for your continued dissatisfaction to the Director of HR, Room 3.20 Wessex House.

The Director of HR or their nominated deputy will investigate your complaint. Where it is appropriate to the investigation of the complaint, the investigating officer will meet with you to fully understand that the matters that you are raising.

Following the completion of the investigation of HR or their nominated deputy will write back to you, confirming the outcome of their investigation. This will normally be within 28 day of the receipt of your complaint.

This is the final stage of the complaint process within the University.


An agreed written record will be taken of the main discussions, an decision taken and /or agreed action(s) for all complaints within the formal stages, All of the parties present at the meeting should sign the record and receive a copy of it. The University will maintain a copy of this confidentially and in line with all Data Protection Act requirements.

This confidential record of complaints outcome of all formal complaints will be made available for Ofsted inspectors on their request. Where there are general learning points for the Nursery staff these will be provided in a way that does not refer back to the original complaint unless this has been specifically agreed with you as the complaint.

The role of the Office for Standards in Education, Early Years Directorate (Ofsted) and the Local Safeguarding Children Board

Parents may approach Ofsted directly at any stage of this complaints procedure. In addition, where there seems to be a possible breach of the Nursery’s registration requirements, it is essential to involve Ofsted as the registering and inspection body with a duty to ensure the Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage are adhered to.

The number to call Ofsted with regard to a complaint is: 03300 123 1231. These details are also displayed on the Parents Notice Board in the reception area.

If a child appears to be at risk, we will follow the procedures of the Local Safeguarding Children Board in our local authority as we are required to do. In these cases, both the parent and Nursery are informed and the Child Protection Officers/Childcare Services Manager and the University’s Safeguarding Officer work with Ofsted or the Local Safeguarding Children Board to ensure a proper investigation of the complaint, followed by appropriate action.


If you have any questions, please contact us.