Past exam papers

  • Exam papers from the past five years are provided for revision purposes.
  • Please be aware that older papers might not be relevant to current course content.
  • Where departments have indicated that papers cannot be made available they are marked as "restricted".
  • Solutions to some papers are available for Mathematical Sciences, Mechanical Engineering and Physics.
  • Past papers for new unit codes from 2023-24 may correspond in part with past papers from earlier years with different unit codes. Useful matches between new and old past papers are noted in the database search results for Management and Life Sciences, and in the exam paper mapping spreadsheet for other Departments. Information is currently available for Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Management, Natural Sciences and Physics. Further departments will be added to the spreadsheet as we receive the information. Please contact your Course leaders for any further advice.

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Unit codeUnit title
PA10306Fundamentals of pharmacy: from molecules to medicines 1
PA10307Fundamentals of pharmacy: the healthy body 1
PA10308Fundamentals of pharmacology: from molecules to medicines 2
PA10309Fundamentals of pharmacy: the healthy body 2
PA10310Preparing for professional practice 1
PA10311Fundamentals of pharmacology: from molecules to medicines 1
PA10312Fundamentals of pharmacology: the healthy body 1
PA10313Fundamentals of pharmacology: from molecules to medicines 2
PA10314Fundamentals of pharmacology: the healthy body 2
PA10315Fundamentals of physiology and pharmacology for natural science students
PA10316Year 1 required assessment
PA20016Cardiovascular, renal and peripheral nervous system pharmacology
PA20023Pharmacology of the central nervous system
PA20318Specialised integrated unit 1: management of gastrointestinal & liver disease
PA20319Specialised integrated unit 2: immunity, inflammation & infection
PA20320Management of respiratory diseases and dermatology
PA20321Management of cardiovascular disease & endocrine disorders
PA20322Preparing for professional practice 2
PA20344Cell regulation and function: receptors to genes
PA20345Infection and immunity
PA20346Experimental pharmacology 1
PA20347Experimental pharmacology 2
PA20351Infection and immunity for natural sciences students
PA30142Molecular applications in pharmacology
PA30148Central nervous system pharmacology
PA30150Cardiovascular pharmacology
PA30157The molecular biology and treatment of cancer
PA30169Molecular signalling
PA30251Advanced topics, trends and technologies in pharmacology
PA30252Stem cell biology
PA30299Biotechnology: art and science
PA30324Neurology & mental health
PA30325Special patient groups and surgery
PA30326Specialised integrated unit 7: oncology & palliative care
PA30327Medicines optimisation and prescribing in complex patients 1
PA30328Preparing for professional practice 3
PA40142Molecular applications in pharmacology
PA40155Research topics in natural products
PA40157The molecular biology and treatment of cancer
PA40159Cardiovascular pharmacology
PA40160Recent advances in central nervous system pharmacology
PA40162Drug targets in the immune system
PA40163Trends in molecular signalling
PA40251Advanced topics, trends and technologies in pharmacology
PA40252Stem cell biology
PA40299Biotechnology: art and science
PA40333Medicines optimisation and prescribing in complex patients 2
XX50225Techniques for drug discovery
XX50227Physiology, pathology and pharmacology
XX50228Organic, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry

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