University of Bath

School and college visits

This page provides information for school teachers and librarians interested in arranging a visit to the Library for their students.

Why arrange a visit?

We welcome group visits from local schools and colleges to enable students to supplement their research for A-level projects, Extended Project Qualification, or International Baccalaureate, and to ease the transition to University for prospective students.

When can you arrange to visit?

  • We require a minimum of six weeks’ notice before the date when you are proposing to visit.
  • We can accommodate a maximum of two school visits per week.
  • Your visit will need to be during our vacation period (check academic year dates)

What can you expect from your visit?

In advance of a visit your group will be expected to devote class time to watch the following presentations:

A typical visit will consist of a short tour of the building and use of the Library catalogue to find resources.

Our resources mainly cover the subjects taught and researched at Bath (predominantly STEM subjects, management, social science and some humanities), so please ensure that they are appropriate to your students’ needs. For example, if your students are primarily interested in the arts, it may be better to arrange a visit to another institution.

How can you arrange a visit?

Please fill in the form below to request a visit. Normally, we can accommodate no more than 20 students for study visits.

All groups of school students visiting the Library should be accompanied by a member/or members of staff from their school who will have overall responsibility for the safety of their students during their visit.

School/college name

Your name

Your job title

Your e-mail address

Your telephone number

Proposed date of visit


Number of students



See our guidance on travelling to the University which includes directions and campus maps.

Individual students visiting the library

For students interested in visiting the library independently, please read about Visitor access to the University Library. In particular please note the section on access to online information resources. You might find it easier to use the library catalogue to find print resources, which can be photocopied in the library.