Academic Registry
We oversee student registration, records, course & unit catalogues, the timetable, exams, academic frameworks and quality, and student graduation arrangements.
We oversee student registration, records, course & unit catalogues, the timetable, exams, academic frameworks and quality, and student graduation arrangements.
We provide academic skills support and enhancement to all students.
The Advancement Office helps you connect with our alumni community, keep up with University of Bath news and events, and support students and research.
We provide opportunities to engage with creativity to develop skills, showcase talent, nurture wellbeing and inspire new thinking and ideas.
We can help you use and get specialist IT equipment and software to help increase your productivity and improve your access to technology.
Find out how to get AV help, request support for corporate events, or report an issue in teaching spaces.
We support all aspects of applied health research within the University of Bath and local primary and community care.
We manage the campus estate, deliver major capital works, and provide planned and reactive building maintenance.
Whether you live, work, study or visit the University, Campus Services aims to provide a safe, clean, sustainable and well-maintained environment for everyone.
We offer information, advice and guidance to students and graduates. We also work with employers to connect them with our students and recent graduates.
We support staff in the delivery of high-quality learning and teaching and facilitate the career development of staff who teach and research.
Support and care, space and prayer in the heart of the Campus. All People, All Year, All Churches.
We manage internal and external communications, enhance our local, national and international reputation and improve the experiences of students and staff.
From exhibitions and dinners, to celebrations and conferences, the University of Bath is a great place to hold any event, from June to mid-September.
We're responsible for print services, photography, design, and events at the University.
We're currently not accepting new patients. Our Dental Centre is only available to staff, students, and their dependents. It offers NHS and private treatment.
Our mission at DDaT is to support teaching, learning, research and corporate services through the use of secure, reliable and accessible IT services.
The Disability Service can provide advice and support for applicants and current students and information to staff.
We work with businesses, researchers, and students to enable new ideas, innovation, and growth.
Building an inclusive environment while providing advice, support and guidance on equality and diversity-related issues.
The Campus Services Facilities team helps to provide a safe, clean and sustainable environment for everyone living, working or visiting campus.
We manage the University’s income and expenditure, including purchasing arrangements, student finance, and staff pay and pensions.
The University's restaurants, bars, cafes and shops on campus.
We offer courses throughout the academic year to build your language skills, develop your intercultural competence, and maximise your career prospects.
We offer clean, safe and affordable accommodation for individuals and groups close to Bath City Centre during the summer months.
Our powerful research computing environments are available to academic staff and doctoral students from all departments.
We manage the recruitment process of permanent and casual staff at all levels.
We manage staff working operations, including leave, absence, inductions for new starters and disciplinary processes.
From recruitment to retirement and everything in between, we're here to provide support and guidance to help you make the most of your career at Bath.
We are responsible for the processing and banking of University income, including tuition fees.
The Uni of Bath Interfaith Community empowers students & staff to engage in conversations between faiths which build religious literacy, appreciation & respect.
We cultivate purposeful international partnerships to enable the University of Bath to maximise global opportunities, reach and reputation.
The International Support Service offers practical advice, information, and support to international students.
We are here to support staff in getting the necessary IT equipment, software, and mobile devices they need for their work.
Information for visitors to the University of Bath Library
We're a multidisciplinary team working with the University community to build our brand reputation and support delivery of the University’s strategic goals.
We help all students with maths and statistics problems.
We value the commitment, achievements and talents of our workforce and recognise these contributions through a range of initiatives and benefits.
We manage all staff pay for University employees, including hourly-paid and part-time workers and those on permanent, variable-hours and fixed-term contracts.
We look after pensions for all staff and offer support and guidance on joining a scheme, opting out and transferring your pension when changing jobs.
Bringing together planning, insights, and delivery to optimise our resources, enabling the University to deliver our strategy, driving impact and performance.
We offer courses to improve your English language skills before you start and during your studies in Bath.
We offer courses to help you improve your English and academic skills before you start your studies at Bath.
We provide printing and binding services to students and staff.
The ResLife Support team is here to help you with looking for a house or issues you might encounter when renting.
The team provide professional/ strategic lead on procurement, coordinate corporate contracts and purchasing arrangements and maintain effective policy.
Guidance, regulations and forms for staff working with goods and service suppliers. You must be connected to the University network to see content on this page.
We facilitate public engagement for our research students and staff to build links with the public.
We help researchers develop proposals, run projects and disseminate their findings.
We support computationally and data intensive research and provide software development expertise to help you achieve your research goals.
There is plenty of support to make your life in University accommodation as comfortable as possible, and help you to make the most of your time at Bath.
Our teams support a range of assurance functions including organisational resilience, risk management, compliance, legal services, FOI and internal audit.
We provide help, advice and support to effectively manage health and safety and also provide wellbeing services to staff.
The University of Bath's Security team is here to help at all times; 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
We provide pre-sessional, academic, mathematics, language and digital skills support and enhancement, both for your studies and future employment.
Accommodation for undergraduate, postgraduate, pre-sessional and exchange students, both on campus and in the city centre.
We can help you with tuition fee enquiries, bursary payments, and financial registration at the University.
We provide advice and information on visas and immigration.
The Money Advice team offers practical advice on managing money, funding and sourcing additional income during drop-in sessions and appointments.
Our Team oversee policies which are in place to keep students safe. We promote a safe, inclusive environment where students thrive.
Supporting care leavers, estranged, young adult carers, refugee and asylum seeker students.
We provide students with support and guidance, including counselling and mental health, disability support, money management and international student advice.
If you're a student and feel depressed, held back by anxiety, or troubled by your thoughts, feelings, or behaviour, we're here to help.
We manage timetabling for staff and students and oversee room bookings for central teaching and committee rooms on campus.
We are responsible for undergraduate recruitment, admissions and outreach. We support the faculties, school and Doctoral College with postgraduate recruitment.
We provide help and support to all students.
We manage the on-campus nursery and provide high-quality childcare to the children of University staff and students.
We organise outreach events and collaborate with schools, colleges and others to help students from all backgrounds learn more about their options.
We can help you manage your career, gain knowledge and skills, and reward your staff. We also provide data analytics to inform strategic University decisions.