Media Centre

Information for journalists, bloggers and online commentators including latest news, research and facts and figures from the University of Bath.
Find academic experts, arrange filming, set up radio interviews and find facts about the University.
Information for journalists, bloggers and online commentators including latest news, research and facts and figures from the University of Bath.
Read about the services we offer and find out about communicating your messages through University channels and social media.
A guide from the University of Bath press office on how and why to engage with the news media, including what support is available from the press office
Bespoke bitesize media training sessions are available to University of Bath academics
The Press Office works with academics, students and staff to publicise news in the press and online. We put journalists and industry in touch with our experts.
We support staff in promoting their messages through the University's social media platforms. We also offer guidance and training on the use of social media.
There are a range of channels available to get your messages in front of your intended audiences. Find out which will work best for you.
Work with the internal communications team to share information with students via email, the website, social media, digital signs and posters on campus.
Communications and engagement is a two-way process. Our guidelines and protocols are here to help ensure we can offer you effective support, and protect and enhance the University’s reputation.
This document is a protocol and applies to employees of the University of Bath.