Scott Thomas
Dr Scott Thomas - Senior LecturerScott is a senior lecturer in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Scott is a senior lecturer in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Sean is a professor in the Department for Health.
Sean is lecturer in applied statistics and research methods in the Department for Health.
Semali is a professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. Her research focuses on advanced separations and nanotechnology.
Sergey is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Sergey is a senior lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
Shamin is a research associate in the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering.
Menopause Champion
Member of the doctoral coaching network.
Working with academic and research support staff to evidence and evaluate the impact of their research.