Alex Jeffries
Dr Alex Jeffries - Senior Teaching FellowAlex is a senior teaching fellow in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Alex is a senior teaching fellow in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Alexander Clarke is a teaching fellow in the Department of Chemistry.
Alex is a senior lecturer in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, and focuses on construction project management.
Alexander is a Royal Society research fellow in the Department of Chemistry.
Alex is a professor in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering and Head of Architecture.
Alexandra is a Lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
Alexandre is a reader in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Alf is a lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering, researching the development of technologies for low carbon sustainable energy applications.
Ali is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering.
Alice is a research assistant in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.