Lukas Wolf
Dr Lukas Wolf - Research AssociateLukas is a research associate in the Department of Psychology.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Lukas is a research associate in the Department of Psychology.
Lukasz researches cyberpsychology, quantified self with digital devices, social media, data visualisation and machine learning for behavioural profiling.
Student Employability Coaches work in Careers to support students with their CVs and applications.
Luke researches areas connecting applied psychology with human resource management, including meaningful work, talent development, and diversity and inclusion.
Luke is working on a project examining the case for universal basic income policies.
Ensuring that students are genuine partners in the Curriculum Transformation project.
Lyn is a director of practice based learning in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
Lynda researches firms, innovation, industry, performance, diversification and corporate social performance.
Lynn supports staff across the university in the development of effective learning and teaching practice, with a focus on inclusivity.
Lynn leads our Communications function, overseeing a team covering media relations, staff and student communications, strategic campaigns and social media.