Maria Garcia
Dr Maria Garcia - Senior LecturerMaria Garcia is a senior lecturer in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
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Maria Garcia is a senior lecturer in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Menopause Champion
Maria is a senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology.
Maria is a teaching fellow in the Department of Economics, with research interests in mathematical economics and macroeconomic theory.
Mariachiara researches globalisation, skills, labour markets, foreign direct investments (FDIs), technological changes and regional development.
Responsible for managing a team of TEL specialists to provide proactive support to the University community in the use of TEL to deliver teaching and learning.
As a key figure in advancing the University of Bath’s internationalisation efforts, Marilyn strengthens the University’s engagement on a global level.
Marina is an academic member of staff in the Department of Computer Science.
Mario's research covers three areas of consumer research: diversity & inclusion with a focus on LGBTQIA+ topics, materiality, as well as alternative economies.
Marion oversees strategies for learning, teaching and student experience for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in the Faculty.