Piotr Ozieranski
Dr Piotr Ozieranski - ReaderPiotr is a Reader in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences with research interests in decision-making mechanisms in policy evolution.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Piotr is a Reader in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences with research interests in decision-making mechanisms in policy evolution.
Polly is a Lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
Rebecca is a Lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences specialising in social work.
Ricky is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
Roy is a Reader in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
Sarah is a Professor in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
Tess is a professor emeritus in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences with research interests in childhood poverty and social exclusion.
Theodoros is a lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences with research interests in welfare capitalism and democratic innovations.
Tina is a senior lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences with research interests in gender and marginalisation.
Tony Walter is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.