Simon Gould
Simon Gould - Teaching FellowSimon is a teaching fellow in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Simon is a teaching fellow in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering.
Simon is a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemistry.
Simon is a research fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Simon’s research focuses mainly on the dark side of human behaviour, employment relationships and future of work, and career development.
Simon is a research fellow in the Department for Health.
Simon is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Simon is a teaching fellow in the School of Management.
Simona researches investors, surface tension, pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology and communications.
Siobain manages the enterprise activities for undergraduate, postgraduate and new graduate education at the University.
Siyi is responsible for various analytical instruments in the Physical Structure Characterisation Facility.