Sofia Agozzino
Student Employability CoachStudent Employability Coaches work in Careers to support students with their CVs and applications.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Student Employability Coaches work in Careers to support students with their CVs and applications.
Sofia is a professor in the Department of Chemistry.
Soheil's expertise is in business analytics, supply chain management, Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and sustainability.
Sonia assists with the activities and finances of externally funded research projects.
Sophia is a Senior Lecturer & Director of Research in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Responsible for leading the University’s Research and Innovations Services, helping position the University for future success in a competitive environment.
Sophie recruits Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associates at the University.
Responsible for the delivery of marketing and communications strategies to support postgraduate taught student recruitment.
Sophie is a Senior Lecturer & Head of Impact & KE in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Stefan is a senior lecturer in biology and biochemistry, and works in the Infection and Immunity research group.