David Galbreath
Professor David Galbreath - Professor of War and TechnologyDavid Galbreath is a professor of War and Technology.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
David Galbreath is a professor of War and Technology.
Responsible for leading the central Undergraduate Admissions team, which selects and processes all applications for undergraduate study.
David is a professor of metabolic engineering in the Medicinal and Industrial Biotechnology research group, part of the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
David is a prize fellow in the Department of Chemistry.
Will undertake the responsibilities of members of governing bodies as set out in the CUC Guide for Members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK.
David is a Senior Lecturer & Head of Division (Politics) in PoLIS with research interests in post-devolution UK politics.
David researches derivatives, mathematical finance, asset pricing and a range of related topics.
Supporting all students and staff
Former CEO, Zurich Life
David is a teaching fellow in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, his teaching responsibilities are centred around community pharmacy units.