Anneke Lubben Director of Research Infrastructure and Facilities
Anneke works on how the Research Infrastructure at Bath can be made the best.
Anneke is the Director of Research Infrastructure and Facilities for the whole of the University. She works on how the Research Infrastructure can be made the best for the researchers at Bath and beyond, whether that is through operational details or developing the vision and strategy.
Anneke’s career as an Instrument Specialist in Mass Spectrometry (MS) began following her PhD at Bruker Daltonics Ltd., where she was part of the European LC-MS Applications team, working with industrial and academic customers throughout Europe to optimise MS methods tailored to their specific requirements. In 2006 she moved back to academia at the University of Bath as the MS service manager in the Department of Chemistry. After 5 years of diversifying her user base beyond Chemistry, she took on the responsibility of establishing and developing a Faculty-wide multi-technique characterisation service, the Chemical Characterisation and Analysis Facility (CCAF). This novel approach of centralising Facilities into a Faculty-wide sustainable research facility was closely followed by several other UK Universities, many of which have adopted the model since. The success of CCAF, and the need to bring other University Facilities onto the same stable footing resulted in the formation of the Material and Chemical Characterisation Facility (MC²) in August 2018. Experience in Facility Management through CCAF, and then MC², has also resulted in her recent appointment to two strategic EPSRC Infrastructure Committees (EPSRC SAT Capital Infrastructure and EPSRC NRF High Level Advisory Committee). Additionally she acts as expert advisor to two mass spectrometry hardware development companies. As well as her management and leadership roles, Anneke is still very much involved in research using MS, with the supervision of postgraduate students and co-authorship on several high profile publications in a range of disciplines, as exemplified by key publications in Genome Biology, Journal of Clinical Investigations, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Journal of Chromatography A, Analytica Chimica Acta A, Water Research and Chemical Science.
Read Anneke's recent staff spotlight.
Anneke’s background is in Marine and Environmental Chemistry. She graduated from the University of Southampton in 1997 with a BSc (Hons) in Marine Science with French, which included a year studying for a Maîtrise in Océanology at the Université de Bordeaux. She stayed on at Southampton for a PhD in Environmental Engineering, jointly between the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, completing this in 2001. During these periods of study she used mass spectrometry as a tool to understand the environments and chemistries she was researching, and this was the point at which the seed was sown for a life-long interest in, and involvement with, the technique. During this time she also became very familiar with the technical aspects of MS, and its application in various research areas, and was keen to continue this learning in a more Industrial setting following her PhD.