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University of Bath

Dr Teslim Bukoye Elected by Academic Assembly by Senate members

Will undertake the responsibilities of members of governing bodies as set out in the CUC Guide for Members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK.


Dr Teslim Bukoye was elected by the members of Academic Assembly on Senate to the Council of the University of Bath from 1 August 2022 for a period of three years.


Teslim Oyegoke Bukoye is a Senior Lecturer, Director of Studies for International Exchanges, Fellow Higher Academy (FHEA), Fellow of Association of Project Management (FAPM) and member of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) in the UK.

His expertise is centred around project management, operations and supply chain management and improving pedagogy. He demonstrates a combination of quality teaching informed by strong links to practice (i.e. industry, professional bodies and public sector organisations) and internationalisation (via exchanges and placements), which greatly enhance students' experience, employability and entrepreneurship skills.

His research and consultancy interests include: project management (i.e. agile, benefits realisation, nudges (behavioural science), strategic projects, project performance and resilience), operations and supply chain management (i.e. supply chain resilience, urban transport and logistics), sustainability and pedagogical research in higher education.

Register of Interests

Read the 2024/25 Register of Interests for Teslim Bukoye and other members of Council