Siobain Hone Enterprise Education Manager
Siobain manages the enterprise activities for undergraduate, postgraduate and new graduate education at the University.
Siobain Hone is the Graduate Enterprise Manager for the University of Bath. She is part of the RIS Enterprise and Innovation team, based in the SETsquared Innovation Centre. She is responsible for:
- running co-curricular enterprise education activities for undergraduates, postgraduates and new graduates
- organising the University of Bath Business Plan, AppsCrunch and Dragons’ Den Competitions
- maintaining a network of mentors to support student activities
- supporting students through to graduation with new business ideas
- supporting new graduate startups
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Siobain also chairs the SETsquared Student Enterprise Practice Group and co-ordinates student enterprise activity across the SETsquared partnership.
Siobain has been in post at the University of Bath since 2004. Before that she was self-employed, running her own business. Siobain also worked at the University of Bristol and in the City of London in training and development.
Siobain has a degree in English and Psychology from Cardiff University and an MSc in Information Technology from Aston University.