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University of Bath

Katrin Roberts SWC Faculty and Subject Librarian

Staff Wellbeing Champion


I have worked in the Library for 15 years. As Faculty Librarian, I manage a team of librarians supporting all departments in the Faculty of H&SS. I’m also the Subject Librarian for Economics and PoLIS and support reading lists, information literacy skills, enquiries around finding literature, using databases and more. I’m a member of my professional body, CILIP, and mentor information professionals working towards chartered status.

Wellbeing statement

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health and should be talked about and supported just as openly and as much. With ever increasing challenges in everyday life, more people seem to struggle with their mental wellbeing, so I’d like to support colleagues raising awareness, signposting and being a friendly person to talk to.


As a full-time working parent of two boys, I have little time to devote to hobbies, but I do enjoy cooking, jigsaw puzzles and the odd bit of gardening.