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University of Bath

Dr Steven Boakes Head of Business Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange

Responsible for developing, implementing, and delivering the University’s Knowledge Exchange (KE) strategy to maximise KE income and performance.


Steven is responsible for:

  • securing institutional funding to support KE at the University
  • managing and developing a KE team to support and enable a full range of KE activities
  • leading KE strategy, policy and practice development
  • strategically planning and delivering the University’s submission to the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF)
  • leading the University’s approach to the KE concordat


Before being appointed as Head of Team, Steven was a Business Partnerships and Knowledge Exchange Manager in the KE team. Prior to this Steven worked in Biotech, where he was an early member of a start-up company developing novel antibiotics. Initially working as a bench scientist, Steven was involved in taking drug candidates towards the clinic and in-so-doing securing external funding. Before joining this start-up, Steven worked as a research scientist at GSK, Stevenage, UK.


Steven holds a PhD in Molecular Biology and a BSc in Biology.