James Foadi
Dr James Foadi - Teaching FellowJames is a teaching fellow in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
James is a teaching fellow in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Jane is a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, specialising in developing mathematical models to address healthcare issues.
Jeyabal is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Johannes is a reader in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Johannes is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Jonathan is a director of the Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation and a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Jonathan is a reader in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, researching asymptotic analysis and perturbation methods.
Julian is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Kari is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Karim is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.