Thanos Mergoupis
Thanos Mergoupis - LecturerThanos is a lecturer in the Department of Economics, with research interests in labour economics and political economy.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Thanos is a lecturer in the Department of Economics, with research interests in labour economics and political economy.
Theodoros is a lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences with research interests in welfare capitalism and democratic innovations.
Theresa is a lecturer in the Statistics Group for the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Thomas is a teaching fellow in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Thomas's research focuses on statistical modelling of environmental and hydrological systems.
Tom specialises in consumer behaviour and sustainability marketing with a particular focus on social norms and behavioural interventions.
Tom is a research associate in the Department of Physics.
Thu is a Marie Curie fellow in the Department of Computer Science.
Tiago is a lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Tiffany is the Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.