Xinyan Cheng
PhD CandidateXinyan is a doctoral candidate studying big data and policing.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Xinyan is a doctoral candidate studying big data and policing.
Xiuping is a reader in pure mathematics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Xu is a Senior Lecturer (Teaching) in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Yasin researches work design, job crafting, human resource management, work engagement and HR analytics.
Yassir is an academic member of staff in the Department of Computer Science.
Yi Ling teaches various aspects of accounting with a particular interest in introductory accounting to non-accounting specialists
Yixian is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
Providing research contracts between the University and external collaborators.
Yongliang is an academic member of staff in the Department of Computer Science.
Yuhao specialises in investors, managers, financial decision making in corporate finance and behavioural finance.